FINESTO OÜ, under the business name FINESTO ADVISORS, was established and started its economic activity in December 2015.
The company provides specialized consultancy and advisory services to clients with contractual partners, mainly in the areas of risk management, internal control, audit, and legal. The company’s strength lies in in-depth background research based on in-depth analysis, which we carry out on the basis of both individuals and companies. We provide appropriate legal advice and a quick arrangement of various legal actions. We analyze and deal operationally with all sorts of specific cases, which we handle promptly and practically, placing great emphasis on ensuring the safety of the client, and protecting the interests of the owners, including their property/money and legal relationships. We also contribute the best know-how to client personnel, including the recruitment process of lead and key personnel, and other risk mitigation advice related to management and/or business advice.
We fully promote public and private cooperation in various fields, including international communication and cooperation, and regularly organize high-level national and international conferences, seminars, and workshops in the fields directly related to our services.
In recent years, the company has been mainly advising on the improvement of anti-money laundering and anti-money laundering activities, as well as drafting relevant procedures and internal regulations, due to the market situation. We also advise clients on IS/ICT and cybersecurity. On a sector-by-sector basis (banking and finance), we provide KYC/CDD automated IT systems that provide due diligence and AML/CFT blocking, in partnership with a number of trusted international partners, both as specific stand-alone services/products and as broad-based comprehensive solutions.
The main activities and services of the company are directed to the European Union and more specifically to the private and public sectors of Estonia and the Baltic Sea region. The main target audience of the services in foreign markets is primarily medium and large clients as well as international associations and organizations. In Estonia, we serve small and medium-sized enterprises as well as various state institutions. We also serve several long-term corporate clients in Estonia based on narrower fields.
The company is in a rapid development phase, supported by a stable and strong customer base and successful cooperation projects. We are open and ready to face the new challenges of cooperation and partnership agreements in both domestic and foreign markets.
In 2020, we will continue to collaborate and negotiate with a number of strategic partners to provide new services/products both nationally and globally. The company’s strategic business plan for 2022-2023, including financial forecasts, shows a trend in both service volumes and sales, including profit growth, in its core and new business areas.
With best wishes for cooperation,
Reigo Reimand
Managing Partner / CEO